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George Patrick III.
Brigadier GeneralChief Of Staff US Central Command
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General Information
George Herbert Walker III, commonly known as Bert Walker, grew up in the East. He is a former U.S. ambassador to Hungary and the first cousin of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Walker's grandfather, George Herbert Walker, was the founder of G. H. Walker & Co., which is now part of the Merrill Lynch conglomerate. He also served as the President of W.A. Harriman Co. 1916-1929, which is now known as Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. His father George Herbert Walker, Jr. was the cofounder of the New York Mets baseball team with Joan Whitney Payson. George Herbert Walker III graduated from Yale University in 1953, where he was a member of Skull and Bones. He graduated from Harvard School of Law in 1955, served two years in the U. S. Air Force as staff judge advocate at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Walker then returned to St. Louis and worked first with his grandfather's company, G. H. Walker & company, then with Stifel Nicolaus in 1977. During his term as CEO Stifel Nicolaus became a publicly traded firm on the New York Stock Exchange. He is married to the former Carol Banta and they have eight children between them and ten grandchildren. 
January 1st, 1931 in (Age 94)
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