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Sebastian Feldman Gonzalez
Voice Over Talent
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General Information
Sebasti�n Ignacio Gonz�lez Vald�s is a Chilean footballer that currently plays in the Chile Primera Divisi�n club Deportes Temuco as striker. He began his football career at Colo-Colo of the first tier of his country, in where scored 27 goals in 77 appearances during four seasons. In June 2002, was sold for an undisclosed fee to Mexican Primera Divisi�n club Atlante, believed high. In his first season with that club, the Apertura Tournament of the same year, Chamagol scored 13 goals in 19 appearances and in the following, the 2003 Clausura Tournament, he netted 16 goals in the same number of games, becoming the league's top scorer. There were rumors saying that Gonzalez was asking for more money from Atlante, and that he was not happy to be there. They did give him a raise but that still did not help him want to stay in the team. He was sold to Tigres for about 3.5 million if not 4 million dollars. In the press conference he claimed that his goal was to score over 20 goals in the season. When asked why he had chosen such a high amount of goals by a reporter. He responded by saying "Last season I set a number of goals as my goal, and I beat that number. 
December 14th, 1978 in Viña del Mar (Age 46)
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