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Marsha Mehran
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Marsha Mehran was an Iranian American novelist. Her works include the international bestsellers Pomegranate Soup and Rosewater and Soda Bread. Mehran was born in Tehran. Her family left Iran and migrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1979, at the time of the Iranian Revolution. She grew up in Argentina and the United States, and also lived in Australia and Ireland. Mehran's debut novel, Pomegranate Soup, was published in 2005. It is the story of three sisters who escape Iran at the time of the Revolution and eventually settle in a small town in the west of Ireland, where they open the Babylon Cafe. Mehran used her own family's experiences when writing the novel, which includes a number of recipes and combines "Persian cooking with Irish living." Pomegranate Soup has been translated into fifteen languages to date, and has been published in over twenty countries worldwide. Her second novel, Rosewater and Soda Bread was published in 2008, and is a continuation of Pomegranate Soup. It marked the second installment of a series that was cut short by her death in April 2014. The series was to run for seven books, the third, Pistachio Rain, was due for publication in 2014. 
November 11th, 1977 in Tehran  /  Died:   Apr 2014 - aged 36
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Date: Apr 2014 - aged 36
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