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Roderich Kiesewetter
German politician - member of Deutscher Bundestag
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Roderich Kiesewetter is a politician, member of the German Bundestag and former Bundeswehr general staff officer. After passing the German Abitur examination in 1982, Kiesewetter joined the German military artillery forces. From 1983 until 1986 he studied economics and organizational sciences at the Bundeswehr University Munich and the University of Texas at Austin. From 1995 to 1997 he attended the German General Staff Course at the F�hrungsakademie der Bundeswehr in Hamburg, being awarded the Heusinger prize for the best German graduate. Having finished the studies in Hamburg, Kiesewetter was posted at the European Council, the NATO Headquarters in Brussels and Mons as well as in the German Ministry of Defence. Besides that he also used to be commander of a German army battalion and took part in different military missions abroad. From 2006 to 2009 he was head of the offices of the then Chiefs of Staff of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Rainer Schuwirth and Karl-Heinz Lather in Brunssum, Belgium. In 2009 he had a post at the Rapid Reaction Forces Operations Command, until he was elected member of parliament on October 17, 2009 and left the army as a Colonel. 
September 11th, 1963 in Pfullendorf (Age 61)
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