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Paul Adams (4)
South African Cricketer
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Paul Regan Adams is a former South African cricketer, a chinaman bowler who played for the national team sporadically since the 1990s. Meanwhile, his first class cricket career registered 412 wickets. Adams's bowling action was highly unorthodox and Mike Gatting likened it to a "frog in a blender". Though his action initially caught world batsmen by surprise, he was soon exposed for lack of variety by the Australians. As such, he became less effective. December 2006 he was recalled to the Test side for the series against India, only to be dropped from the squad before the first Test. He held the ball with two fingers of his left hand. He announced his retirement from professional cricket on 2 October 2008, more than four years after his last Test match and five years after his last ODI. He is currently the coach of the Cape Cobras cricket team. [More at Wikipedia]
January 20th, 1977 in Cape Town (Age 48)
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