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Brian Goldman
CBC Personality
  • General Info
General Information
Dr. Brian Goldman is a Canadian doctor and radio personality. He practices in the Schwartz Reisman Emergency Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Goldman has been a regular medical columnist on CBC Radio One since 1999. He also hosts an award-winning current affairs radio series, White Coat, Black Art, on CBC Radio One about the culture of modern medicine and various aspects of the Canadian health care system and is the house Doctor for the Afternoon Edition on CBC radio in Saskatchewan. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto. In November 2011 he gave a talk at TEDX in Toronto named "Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that?" In January 2012, his TED talk was uploaded to the web site. In 2010, his first book, 'The Night Shift: Real Life in the Heart of the ER,' was published by Harper Collins Canada. 'The Night Shift' is a book on his experiences working the night shift as an emergency physician. His second book, 'The Secret Language of Doctors,' is about slang or argot terms used by doctors, nurses and other health professionals to talk about patients, unpleasant clinical situations as well as colleagues. [More at Wikipedia]
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