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Ferenc Mate (2)
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Ferenc M�t� escaped Hungary after the revolution with his mother to Vancouver, British Columbia. He has lived in British Columbia, California, New York, Paris, and Rome, and now resides on a wine estate in Tuscany with his wife, painter and winemaker Candace M�t�, and their son, Peter. For much of their first twenty years together, M�t� and his wife lived on sailboats, traveling the world, photographing and occasionally publishing books and calendars on sailboats. His first book, From a Bare Hull, 1970, is still considered one of the best books on boat-building ever written. In addition to sailing books, M�t� has written a memoir about adjusting to Italian life, an international bestsellerThe Hills of Tuscany, and a book-length essay on the environmental impact of the excesses of modern lifestyles, A Reasonable Life. His first novel, Ghost Sea is the first of a series of anthropological thrillers involving an outlaw sea captain, Dugger. He is now writing the next volume, Sea of Lost Dreams, set in Tahiti. In 2007, he published A Vineyard in Tuscany, which tells the M�t�'s story of renovating a 13th-century house and starting a now world-renowned winery. 
January 1st, 1945 in (Age 80)
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