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Kevin Ruf
Halfway Home Also works as a lawyer
  • General Info
General Information
Kevin Ruf is an American actor and comedian. He recently starred in the Comedy Central show Halfway Home as Kenny Carlyle, the house supervisor of a halfway house. He was the newsman in That Was The Week That Was on ABC's Primetime Live. He is also an attorney. In 2006, he argued and won a case before the California Supreme Court which expanded the rights of day laborers. The case was entitled Smith v. L'Oreal. Ruf grew up in Saratoga, California, attending Foothill Elementary School, Redwood Middle School, and Saratoga High School, where he was a standout inside linebacker for the Falcons. Ruf went to the University of California at Berkeley where he co-wrote the comedy "The Generic Play" about a professional ping-pong player in the "Rocky" mode. He is a member of The Groundlings improvisational comedy theater and has guest written for Saturday Night Live. Ruf most recently guest starred in a 2008 episode of the Comedy Central series Reno 911! playing Kyle Overstreet, a convict who has recently been released after ten years in prison and has sworn to get revenge on the officers who put him behind bars. 
December 7th, 1961 in Wilmington (Age 63)
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