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Ana Maria Gomes
Politician - European Parlament
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Ana Maria Rosa Martins Gomes, better known as Ana Gomes, GCC, is a Portuguese politician, who suspended her career as a diplomat to enter party politics in 2003. In 2004, she was elected as a Member of the European Parliament and was reelected in June 2009. She is married with one daughter, three stepchildren and six grandchildren. Ana Gomes is currently a City Council member of Sintra. She has been a career diplomat since 1980 and served in the Portuguese Missions at the UN in New York and Geneva, and also in the Embassies in Tokyo and London. Between 1999 and 2003, she was Head of Mission and Ambassador in Jakarta, where she played an important role both in the process leading up to the independence of East Timor and in the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Portugal and Indonesia. In the European Parliament, her main areas of activity are: human rights, security and defence, international relations, gender issues and development. In 2010 she signed the Spinelli Group manifesto. 
February 9th, 1954 in Lisbon (Age 71)
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