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Sebastian Diaz Morales
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General Information
Sebastian Diaz Morales is an Argentine visual artist. Born in 1975 in Comodoro Rivadivia, Argentina, and currently dividing his time between that city and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sebasti�n D�az Morales belongs to the newest generation of Latin American artists. In his films and videos, Mr. Diaz Morales explores the possibilities of video from a perspective that falls somewhere between documentarism and reinterpretation of a reality seen through playfulness, irony, and a pained scepticism. Essentially cultured and technologically skilled, Mr. D�az Morales, like the other members of this new generation of artists, knows how to use the filmic language by drawing on the social experiences of his country and immediate surroundings to produce works that entirely escape any parochial reading. The creation of an unusual atmosphere imbued with a strange sense of unrest is first and foremost. 
January 1st, 1975 in (Age 50)
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