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Alexander Leitch
UK House of Lords
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Alexander Park Leitch, Baron Leitch is a British Labour peer and Chairman of Bupa and Intrinsic Financial Services. Having just stepped down as Deputy Chairman at Lloyds Banking Group plc and as Chairman of Scottish Widows plc, he is currently adviser to Lloyds Banking Group?s Chairman and to the CEO. He is also a Trustee of the Lloyds Banking Group Charitable Foundation. He is Chancellor of Carnegie College, Chairman of a new think tank called ?The Centre for Modern Families? and strategic adviser to a Prince of Wales charity called PRIME. Lord Leitch's previous experience includes: Lloyds Banking Group plc ? a board member with a variety of roles including Chairman of Scottish Widows plc, LBG Risk Oversight Committee Chair, LBG Senior Independent Director and finally as LBG Deputy Chairman. Paternoster UK Ltd ? Non-Executive Director for four years prior to selling the company to Goldman Sachs. United Business Media plc ? Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director. Medical Aid Films ? just stepped down as Chairman of this infant and maternal mortality charity. National Portrait Gallery of Scotland ? chaired the raising of �17 million of funds to refurbish the gallery. 
October 20th, 1947 in United Kingdom (Age 77)
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