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Pratap Chitnis
Lord. UK House of Lords
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General Information
Pratap Chidamber Chitnis, Baron Chitnis was a British Liberal political organiser. The son of Chidamber N. Chitnis and Lucia Mallik, he was born in London and educated at Stonyhurst College. He was further educated at the University of Birmingham, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, and at the University of Kansas, where he graduated with a Master of Arts. An administration assistant of the National Coal Board from 1958 to 1959, Chitnis acted as agent for Eric Lubbock in the successful Liberal campaign in the Orpington by-election, 1962. Afterwards he rose to become head of the Liberal Party Organisation in 1966, embarking on a structural modernisation, but resigned in 1969 having had a strained relationship with party leader Jeremy Thorpe. Chitnis next worked for the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust, as secretary from 1969 to 1975, and chief executive and director from 1975 to 1988. He was a member of the Community Relations Commission from 1970 to 1977 and of the BBC Asian Programme Advice Committee between 1972 and 1977; he also chaired the latter between 1979 and 1983. 
May 1st, 1936 in London (Age 88)
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