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Lanny Davis
Fmr White House Counsel
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General Information
Lanny Jesse Davis is an American lawyer, consultant, lobbyist, author, and television commentator. From 1996 to 1998, he served as a special counsel to President Bill Clinton, and was a spokesperson for the President and the White House on matters concerning campaign-finance investigations and other legal issues. In 2005, President George W. Bush appointed Davis to serve on the five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, created by the U.S. Congress as part of the 2005 Intelligence Reform Act. Davis's clients have included Porton Group, National Women's History Museum, National Black Chamber of Commerce, eHealth, Sofitel Hotels, Trent Lott, Gene Upshaw, Dan Snyder, Martha Stewart and the Office of the President at Penn State University. Davis is currently a Fox News Contributor and has a column called "Purple Nation" that appears regularly in The Hill, The Huffington Post,, The Daily Caller, and Newsmax. He is a graduate of Yale Law School, where he won the Thurman Arnold Moot Court prize and served on the Yale Law Journal. As a Yale undergraduate, Davis served as chairman of the Yale Daily News. 
December 12th, 1945 in United States of America (Age 79)
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