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Marissa Perry
Played tracy turnblad in 'Hairspray' on broadway
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Marissa Perry is an American actress and singer born in Waterbury, Connecticut. Perry most recently acted in the Broadway musical Hairspray in the leading role of Tracy Turnblad. Perry had been playing Tracy Turnblad in the Weston Playhouse production of Hairspray in Weston, Vermont when the writers of Hairspray, Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman, saw her performance and encouraged her to audition for the Broadway production. Shortly thereafter, she was cast as the understudy for the role and was eventually promoted to playing the role full-time. She reprised the role of Tracy in the Marriott Theatre's production of Hairspray in Lincolnshire, Illinois, which ran from September 23 to December 6, 2009. She again reprised the role of Tracy at the 2010 Reagle Music Theatre production of Hairspray and was nominated for the IRNE Award for Best Actress in a Musical. Perry appeared in earlier regional theatre productions, including the world premiere of Princesses at the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam, Connecticut as well as at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle, Washington and Wild Mushrooms at the Seven Angels Theatre in Waterbury, Connecticut. 
May 5th, 1985 in Waterbury (Age 39)
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New Response (Success): Met the cast of HAIRSPRAY in CONCERT at the stage ..
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