Michael Edward Marks is an American author noted for his work in counterterrorism, special operations and counter illicit traffic, most recently including co-authorship of "Understanding Narrative: The Battle of the Narrative and the Operations Process" published by the U.S. Army Asymmetric_Warfare_Group in 2014, drawn from his work for US Special Operations throughout Afghanistan in 2011-2012. Prior to this effort, Mr. Marks was responsible for mapping illicit traffic patterns across the Horn of Africa, Yemen, Central Asia and the Balkans in support of US Special Operations and the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization.
Books, interactive programs and simulators developed by Mr. Marks have been incorporated into state-mandatory certification programs in 27 states, with adoptions by such entities as the US Army/FBI Hazardous Devices School, the FBI National Academy and throughout numerous federal and state-level law enforcement and intelligence agencies. These titles include The Emergency Responder's Guide to Terrorism. He is credited with design of "Task Force Marks", a USMC expeditionary unit sniper team exercise for the TacOps simulation created by Maj.
January 5th, 1960 in (Age 65)
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