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Matana Roberts
  • General Info
General Information
Matana Roberts is a sound experimentalist, jazz saxophonist, composer and improviser based in New York City. She has previously been an active member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians. The Jazz Journalists Association selected Roberts as a finalist nominee for the 2008 "Up and Coming Musician of the Year" award. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Roberts was raised on the city's South Side and studied classical clarinet during her youth. She formed a trio, Sticks and Stones, with bassist Josh Abrams and drummer Chad Taylor, with whom she regularly performed at the Velvet Lounge. In 2002, Roberts moved to New York, initially busking in subways and publishing a zine, Fat Ragged, about her experiences. Roberts is the composer of Coin Coin, a musical work-in-progress exploring themes of history, memory and ancestry. Roberts performed at the London Jazz Festival in 2007. In 2008, Central Control released Roberts' The Chicago Project. The album, produced by Vijay Iyer, includes performances by members of Prefuse 73 and Tortoise along with AACM saxophonist Fred Anderson. In January 2010, Roberts was the guest curator at The Stone. 
1978 in Chicago
Last Changes
New Event: 2016/10/23 08:00 PM - Alte Feuerwache, Mannheim, Germany
New Event: 2016/04/09 08:30 PM - LA DYNAMO de BANLIEUES BLEUES, Pantin, France
New Event: 2015/10/17 09:00 PM - JAZZHOUSE, København K, Denmark
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