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Bryn Atkinson
Australian Cyclist
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General Information
Bryn Atkinson is an Australian professional mountain bike racing cyclist from Townsville, QLD. Mother Janet, Father Graham, brother Rhys Atkinson. He started mountain biking at the age of 14 in 1996 and became a professional rider in 2002. Bryn's first introduction to the sport was through his local mountain bike club in Townsville- The Townsville Rockwheelers. Competing in several cross country type events, Bryn evolved with the sport and later found downhill. As a teenager, he moved north to Cairns, a popular location for downhill mountain biking, and host of the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in 1996. Glen Jacobs was the course builder for that event and several other events on the World Cup, and mentored Bryn and several other downhillers in the area. The first Australian competitors to travel overseas and race world cups with success were Michael Ronning, Scott Sharples, Sean Mccarroll, Tai Lee Muxlow, Katrina Miller, Wade Boots, etc.. Scott Sharples would later become Bryn's coach. Royal/ Orange was the first international team Bryn raced for in 2002. 
December 9th, 1982 in Australian Capital Territory (Age 42)
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