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Jeremiah Bishop
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Jeremiah Bishop is a professional mountain bike racer from the United States. He primarily competes in the Olympic discipline event of cross-country cycling. In 2003, Bishop won the gold medal in the mountain bike event at the XIV Pan American Games. In 2004, he became the first American in three years to win the cross-country event at a NORBA National Series competition. Entering the 2007 season, Bishop held the number one position in the rider rankings published by USA Cycling. This achievement highlights Bishop's combined successes in cross-country, short track and marathon-distance cycling events. Also in 2007, Bishop earned six podium results in the USA National Championship Series, including a victory at the NMBS cross-country Showdown at Sugar in Banner Elk, NC. Bishop won the silver medal in the USA National Championship cross-country race in Mount Snow, Vermont. Bishop is an eleven-time member of the USA Cycling National Team. The US National Team is organized by USA Cycling, the national governing body, and is affiliated with the US Olympic Committee. 
March 9th, 1976 in Augusta (Age 49)
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