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Glenn Ezell
Former Texas Rangers Coach
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Glenn Wayne Ezell is an American former front-office executive in Major League Baseball, as well as a former MLB coach and minor league catcher and manager. Ezell worked for 12 seasons as a coach in the Major Leagues, with the Texas Rangers, Kansas City Royals, Detroit Tigers, and Tampa Bay Devil Rays. He managed in the farm systems of the Pittsburgh Pirates, San Diego Padres, Toronto Blue Jays, Oakland Athletics, Royals and Tigers for all or parts of 12 seasons between 1975 and 1997, after beginning his professional career as a catcher in the New York Mets, Minnesota Twins, San Francisco Giants and Padres organizations. He threw and batted right-handed, stood 6 feet, 1 inch tall and weighed 185 pounds. Ezell batted .268 with 23 home runs in 661 minor league games. In the late 1990s, Ezell was a roving catching instructor in the Detroit farm system. He rejoined the Tigers as field coordinator of instruction in 2003 and was promoted to player development director in 2006. On June 8, 2010, the Tigers announced that Ezell had stepped down from that position, although Ezell indicated that he was asked to resign. 
October 29th, 1944 in United States of America  /  Died:   Nov 2020 - aged 75
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Nov 2020 - aged 75
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