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Lynda Baquero
WNBC4 News
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General Information
Lynda Baquero is an American correspondent for WNBC news in New York City. Baquero has filed numerous reports for the station both at home and abroad, including a trip to Puerto Rico where she filed stories on the island?s economy and tourism. She also has provided coverage of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Traveling through the Caribbean to such places as Puerto Rico, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, she has provided coverage of various tropical storms such as Hurricane Georges that have battered the region. Baquero joined the WNBC in 1995 from local cable news network NY1 News where she was a daily news anchor and consumer reporter for three years. At NY1, Baquero was one of two-dozen "video journalists" responsible for researching, writing, shooting and editing her own stories. Prior to NY1, Baquero was at local station WCBS for five years. While there she worked in almost every aspect of the newsroom ranging from desk assistant, to researcher, to assignment editor, and finally associate producer of the daily consumer action segment, "Troubleshooter." Baquero has also worked as an associate producer of "NELY!" 
January 16th, 1967 in New York City (Age 58)
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New Response (Success): Ms. Baquero signed an NBC card for me
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