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Firoozeh Dumas
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Firoozeh Dumas is an Iranian-American writer. She is the author of Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing up Iranian in America, and Laughing without an Accent: Adventures of a Global Citizen, published by Random House. Dumas began to write and submit essays to obtain money to go toward college. At the age of seven, Dumas and her family moved to Whittier, California. She later moved back to Iran and lived in Tehran and Ahvaz. However, she once again immigrated to the United States; first to Whittier, then to Newport Beach, California. Kazem, her father, dominates many of her stories throughout her memoir Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America. She takes pride in her Iranian heritage, but at the same time, mocks her dad's fascination with "freebies" at Costco and television shows like Bowling for Dollars. Growing up, Dumas struggled to mix with her American classmates, who knew nothing about Iran. She also retells firsthand experiences of prejudice and racism from being Iranian in America during the Iranian Revolution. However, throughout hardships, she emphasizes the significance of family strength and love in her life. 
January 1st, 1965 in Abadan (Age 60)
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