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Marcia White
AAGPBL bat girl for the 1949 Kenosha Comets
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General Information
Mary White, n�e Rollinson, is a ceramic artist and calligrapher. She was born in 1926 in Croesyceiliog, Wales. From 1949-1950 she studied at Goldsmiths' College and in 1951 she married painter Charles White. She was made a fellow of the Society of Scribes & Illuminators in 1962 and later the Letter Exchange. During the early 1970s she taught at Atlantic College, Glamorgan. After teaching for twenty years in Grammar Schools and Art Colleges and Atlantic College, she gave up teaching in 1973 to work freelance. In 1975 she was invited to take part in an international symposium in Cardiff, Wales and had the opportunity to experiment with porcelain. She developed wide-flanged bowls, extending the thin rims to breaking point. She also found the possibilities of using colours in glazes instead of more usual warm browns that she had been using for tableware. This marked a great change in her work. turquoise became her favourite colour, at first pure, and then with subtle variations. She began to make more individual pieces and by the time she and her husband, painter, Charles White, moved to Germany in 1980 she rarely made tableware. 
Other Names
  • Marsha White
January 1st, 1926 in (Age 99)
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