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Titouan Lamazou
French sailor, artist and author
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Titouan Lamazou is a French artist, author, navigator, photographer and poet, born in 1955 in Casablanca (Maroc). He officially changed his given name to Titouan, from Antoine, in 1986. A student of Yvon Le Corre, in the area of graphic arts as well as that of sailing, Titouan was Yvon Fauconnier's and, later, Eric Tabarly's sailing mate. Originally destined to a career in the graphic arts and after a few months at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris, Titouan takes to offshore sailing, for the purpose of traveling, at first, and soon for competitive purposes. After a very distinguished career on the off-shore racing circuit, he returns to his art and publishes numerous books; in 2001 he starts Zo�-Zo� Femmes du Monde (Women of the World) project with the explicit purpose of promoting the autonomy of women and equality between the sexes. Between 2001 and 2007 he completes many portraits of women, and also involves himself very effectively in various organizations advocating the rights of women and children in the World. He was appointed a UNESCO Artist for Peace in 2003. His achievements in the area of sailing include: - second place of the BOC Challenge in 1986 - Winning the first edition of the Vend�e Globe (Round-the-World, solo) race in 1990. - Winning the Route du Rhum transat, in the monohull category, in 1990 - Winning the Quebec - Saint Malo transat, in the monohull category, in 1988 - Co-founding the Troph�e Jules-Verne, with Florence Arthaud and several - Designing the world's biggest monohull yacht, the Tag Hauer, for the purpose of the Jules Verne challenge, unfortunately this boat sank in in 1993. 
July 11th, 1955 in Casablanca (Age 69)
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