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Ramon Pena
Baseball player, P
  • General Info
General Information
Ram�n Arturo Pe�a Padilla is a retired relief pitcher in Major League Baseball who played one season for the Detroit Tigers. He is the brother of former major league catcher Tony Pe�a and the uncle of current Boston Red Sox minor league pitcher Tony Pe�a, Jr. He was initially signed by the Pittsburgh Pirates as an amateur free agent in 1980, but was released prior to the start of the 1982 season. In 1984 he was signed by the Tigers, spending five seasons in their minor league organization before making his major league debut in 1989. Since Ram�n was in the American League while Tony was playing for the St. Louis Cardinals of the National League, and since interleague play didn't begin until 1997, the two brothers never played against each other in the major leagues. His career was much shorter and less successful than those of his two relatives. In eight career regular season games, had a lifetime earned run average of 6.00, allowing twelve earned runs in eighteen innings, as well as a WHIP of 1.89. Although he didn't earn a decision in any of his eight appearances, he didn't pitch a game in which his team earned the win. [More at Wikipedia]
May 5th, 1962 in Santo Domingo (Age 62)
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