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Syd Fischer
Australian yachtsman
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General Information
Syd Fischer, OBE is an Australian businessman and property developer and sailor. Most noted for his sailing, Fischer is described as Australia's most successful offshore sailor. He has skippered numerous yachts, notably several named Ragamuffin and has competed in six Admiral's Cup teams representing his country. He has had wins including World Championship One Ton Cup in Stormy Petrel in New Zealand in 1971 1971 Fastnet Race in Ragamuffin Line honours in the 1988 and 1990 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Handicap honours in 1992 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 1980 Round State Race in Hawaii Fischer shares a record of five challenges for the America's Cup, with Sir Thomas Lipton. He first challenged for the 1983 America's Cup in Advance, the year Australia II won. He led subsequent challenges in 1987 in Steak'n'Kidney, and 1992 in Challenge Australia. He made his third and fourth attempts at San Diego in 1992 and 1995 and his fifth in Auckland in 2000. In 1996 and 1998 he captained Australia's Kenwood Cup team. 
March 4th, 1927 in Australia (Age 98)
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