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Kevin Godley
Musician-Songwriter - 10CC, Godley & Creme
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Kevin Michael Godley is a British musician and music video director. He was born in a family of Jewish descent, and went to North Cestrian Grammar School in Altrincham. The first band Kevin was part of was Group 17 which had its origins in the Jewish Lads Brigade. The members were Henri Shalam, Bernard Suffrin, Sydney Kaye and Jeffrey Baker, whose father was probably "Sergeant Baker" in Rubber Bullets. While attending art college in Manchester he met Lol Creme. They became part of several bands together, most notably Hotlegs and 10cc, and eventually became known as Godley & Creme in acting together as musicians and directors. They were jointly nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Music Video, Long Form for: The Police: Synchronicity Concert in 1986. Godley writes, sings, and plays drums and percussion. In 1990, his charity production One World One Voice was released on CD in the UK. It was a CD that focused on environmental and ecological crises. Godley became a vegetarian during this period. He reunited with another former 10cc member, Graham Gouldman, to form the band GG/06. Together they have recorded a number of new songs which are currently available via their website. [More at Wikipedia]
October 7th, 1945 in Prestwich (Age 79)
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