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Robin Weirauch
Candidate for U.S. Congress in Ohio's 5th District
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Robin Weirauch is an American politician of the Democratic party who was the party's 2004 and 2006 nominee to challenge incumbent Republican U.S. Representative Paul Gillmor for the seat in Ohio's 5th congressional district. Weirauch is the daughter of a retired Master Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force. Weirauch has resided in the 5th District since her elementary school days and is married to her husband of 30 years, Bruce Weirauch, a retired Napoleon, Ohio police lieutenant. Weirauch is a public administrator who formerly served as an Assistant Director at the Center For Regional Development at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Weirauch holds an MPA in Public Administration from B.G.S.U. and cites various other credentials as well. Weirauch's campaign team toured the geographically large district in a retired ambulance decorated with her, "CPR - Caring Personal Representation", slogan. Weirauch lost the 2006 election, receiving 43% of the vote. Gillmor was re-elected but died during the term, on September 5, 2007. Prior to Gillmor's death, Weirauch wrote several letters published in the Toledo Blade, criticizing Rep. [More at Wikipedia]
January 3rd, 1957 in Dayton (Age 68)
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