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Gunter Schlierkamp
IFBB Pro Body Builder; Former Mr. Universe
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Il Classico G�nter Schlierkamp is a retired German IFBB pro bodybuilder. Schlierkamp was born in Olfen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, where he grew up on a farm. Given his friendly demeanour and the fact that he is almost always smiling, Schlierkamp is one of the sports' most popular pros and commonly a fan favourite. In 1996 he married Carmen Jourst and moved to the USA, but they divorced in 2003. Four years later, he married American personal trainer Kim Lyons in March 2007. After a fourth place showing at the 2005 Mr. Olympia contest, Schlierkamp started training with legendary trainer Charles Glass. Schlierkamp had trained with Glass in 2002, and finished above 8-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman at the GNC Show of Strength. Hoping to gain an edge for the 2006 Mr. Olympia Title by training with Glass, Schlierkamp didn't manage to improve on the previous year's finish and ended in 10th place. In 2006 he had a role in an American movie Beerfest, released by the Broken Lizard comedy group. 
February 2nd, 1970 in Olfen (Age 55)
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