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Elizabeth Wallfisch
Baroque/Classical violins
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Elizabeth Wallfisch is an Australian Baroque violinist. Wallfisch debuted as a concert soloist at the age of 12 and took part in such competitions as the ABC Concerto Competition. She studied at the Royal Academy of Music under Frederick Grinke and was awarded, among other prizes, the President's Prize. At the age of 20 she won the Franco Gulli Senior Prize for violin, and was jointly awarded the Mozart Memorial Prize. In 1974, Wallfisch won the prize for most outstanding performance of Johann Sebastian Bach in the Carl Flesch Competition. She began to perform with and lead orchestras such as the London Mozart Players and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra in England, establishing herself as a concert performer in the UK. She developed a reputation as a specialist Baroque violinist. Playing on a period instrument, Wallfisch has recorded and performed many Baroque works, well-known and obscure, from Vivaldi's The Four Seasons to a collection of Telemann's Violin Concertos to the Pietro Locatelli Violin Concertos, Op. 3. In 1989, she co-founded The Locatelli Trio, along with Richard Tunnicliffe and Paul Nicholson. [More at Wikipedia]
January 28th, 1952 in (Age 73)
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