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Cynthia Dall
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Cynthia Dall, sometimes known as "Cindy Dall", was an American lo-fi musician and photographer. Dall also gained notoriety in the fanzine world of the 1990s for her frequent transgressive-styled cover shots and appearances in Lisa Carver's Rollerderby magazine. Cindy was born in Roseville, California. She started recording and performing with then-boyfriend, Bill Callahan under his former moniker, Smog. She first appeared on the Smog song "Wine Stained Lips", which was a B-side to the 1994 "A Hit" 7" single. Cindy went on to contribute vocals and guitar on the Burning Kingdom EP, Wild Love, and The Doctor Came at Dawn, and she toured with Smog in the US and Europe in 1995. In 1996, Cindy released her first solo album, Untitled. The original pressing of the LP had no artist name on the sleeve at the time, but Cindy's name was later added for re-pressings. The album features engineering work by Jim O'Rourke, and guitar and vocals by Bill Callahan. In 1998, she did the vocals for a remix of "Torture Day" by The Notwist. In 2002, Cindy released her second album, Sound Restores Young Men, which was recorded by O'Rourke and Tim Green of The Fucking Champs. 
March 12th, 1971 in Sacramento (Age 54)
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