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Anssi Kela
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General Information
Anssi Kela is a Finnish singer-songwriter multi-instrumentalist who has published six albums. The debut, Nummela, is one of the best-selling Finnish records ? it has sold over 150,000 copies. The album is named after Kela's former hometown Nummela, in Vihti. His biggest hits from that album were "Mikan faijan BMW", "Kaksi sisarta", "Puistossa" and "Nummela". The next single "Milla" was in the triple platinum version of the album. It is the best selling single ever in Finland. The 2nd album Suuria kuvioita in 2003 included one of his biggest hits, "1972". The album sold platinum. The 3rd album Rakkaus on murhaa got a gold record in 2005. The 2009 album, Aukio, was a concept album telling a story of a miner. It debuted at number four on the Finnish album chart, but the sales were disappointing. Only the song "Aamu" was a hit. Kela ended the deal with Sony Music after the compilation album Singlet 2000 - 2010 and signed a deal with Live Nation. His self-titled album Anssi Kela was published in March 2013. On the album he plays all the instruments himself, except one saxophone solo, and like in all of his albums he has written all the songs himself. 
July 29th, 1972 in Kerava (Age 52)
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New Event: 2016/08/06 07:00 PM - Kumpurock, Outokumpu, Finland
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