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Jürgen Brähmer
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J�rgen Br�hmer is a German boxer who is the current regular WBA Light Heavyweight Champion and former WBO Light Heavyweight Champion. He was WBO Inter-Continental super middleweight and WBC International super middleweight champion. During his amateur career he accumulated 95 wins in 100 fights. His first professional loss came to fellow German Mario Veit. His second loss came to Hugo Hernan Garay. He won the Junior World Championships in Havana, Cuba in 1996. J�rgen was undefeated in his first 27 fights of his career. Br�hmer won the interim WBO light heavyweight title by knocking out Aleksy Kuziemski on 22 August 2009. On 13 November 2009 Br�hmer became official WBO light heavyweight world champion when his predecessor Zsolt Erdei relinquished the title and moved up to cruiserweight. He successfully defended the title on 19 December 2009, winning a unanimous decision over Dmitry Sukhotsky. Br�hmer was supposed to defend the WBO light heavyweight title against interim champion, Nathan Cleverly on 21 May 2011, but Br�hmer withdrew from the bout the week of the fight citing an eye injury. 
October 5th, 1978 in Stralsund (Age 46)
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