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Alan Clark (2)
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Alan Kenneth Mackenzie Clark was a British Conservative MP, historian and diarist. He served as a junior minister in Margaret Thatcher's governments at the Departments of Employment, Trade and Defence, and became a privy counsellor in 1991. He was the author of several books of military history, including his controversial work The Donkeys, which is considered to have inspired the musical satire Oh, What a Lovely War! Clark became known for his flamboyance, wit and irreverence. Norman Lamont called him "the most politically incorrect, outspoken, iconoclastic and reckless politician of our times". He is particularly remembered for his three-volume diary, a candid account of political life under Thatcher and a moving description of the weeks preceding his death, when he continued to write until he could no longer focus on the page. Clark was a passionate supporter of animal rights, joining activists in demonstrations at Dover against live export, and outside the House of Commons in support of Animal Liberation Front hunger-striker Barry Horne. 
April 13th, 1928 in London  /  Died:   Sep 5th, 1999
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Date: Sep 5th, 1999
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