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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Region%3A:Michigan
Browsing Entries matching Tag Region%3A:Michigan
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  1. Former U.S. Representative from Michigan (2011-2021)
  2. Mayor of Lansing Michigan
  3. Lord Glendonbrook, British Politician
  4. Former Governor of Michigan (1983-1991); U.S. Ambassador to Canada (1993-1996)
  5. Retired politician and former Congressman from Michigan, who is a witness to contemporary history, from Kennedy to Watergate, from Civil Rights to Vietnam. He met and worked with President Kennedy
  6. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  7. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  8. American politician (1926-2019), U.S. Representative from Michigan. One of the last few survivors (as a Congressional page) to witness FDR's 'Day of Infamy' speech in 1941
  9. 38th President of the United States
  10. Former U.S. Senator from Michigan (1966-1979); Currently on the Michigan State Supreme Court
  11. Fmr United States Congressman
  12. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  13. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  14. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  15. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  16. Gary Peters  (2)
    U.S. Senator from Michigan
  17. Former U.S. Senator From Michigan (1976-1995)
  18. U.S. Representative from Michigan
  19. Attorney General of Michigan (2011 - )
  20. U.S. Representative from Michigan (2005 - 2007)
  21. U.S. Senator from Michigan (2001-2025)
  22. Director of the Office of Management & Budget (1981-85)
  23. US. Representative from Michigan (1987-present), Voted for historic second impeachment of Donald Trump
  24. U.S. Representative from Michigan (2007-2009 and 2011-present)