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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag President%3A:Nicolas_Sarkozy
Browsing Entries matching Tag President%3A:Nicolas_Sarkozy
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  1. member of National Assembly of France, former president of this assembly
  2. Former French minister (2007-2009)
  3. French minister
  4. French minister
  5. Former French minister
  6. Former French minister, academician
  7. Former French minister, European deputy
  8. Conservative French political figure. He was President of the National Assembly of France from 2002 to 2007 and has been President of the Constitutional Council since 2007. Also the son of former Prime Minister Michel Debré.
  9. Former Prime Minister of France (2007-2012)
  10. French senator, president of the Senate of France, former minister
  11. Former French TV presenter, film director, writer and sometimes actor, also former minister of culture
  12. Conservative French politician, former President of the Senate (1998-2008)