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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Hometown%3A:Wisconsin
Browsing Entries matching Tag Hometown%3A:Wisconsin
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  1. American Male Singer And Musician - Drums. (2008- ). Ambient, Chamber Pop, Indie Folk Music Genre. Folk Band - 'Bon Iver' (2008- )
  2. rapper (my projects 01)
  3. Singer/Musician
  4. Featured on Diddy's 'Coming Home', Dr. Dre's 'I Need a Doctor', wrote Eminem's 'Love the Way Lie', and also featured on Lupe Fiasco's 'Words I Never Said', solo album : 'Invincible' in August 2011
  5. Singer/Musician Justin Vernon
  6. Jazz Vocalist/ Musician
  7. American heavy metal drummer - Tourniquet
  8. Singer/Musician
  9. Was one of the first Swing female drummers. Born: 11/28/1912 In 2016, she was reportedly still actively drumming at the age of 105 in a Costa Mesa band called Forever Young Band, as one of the oldest mainstream musicians still alive
  10. Music Producer: Killdozer, The Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, L7, House of Pain, Depeche Mode, Foo Fighters // Drummer: Garbage
  11. singer songwriter - limelighters