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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Education%3A:Master_of_Arts
Browsing Entries matching Tag Education%3A:Master_of_Arts
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  1. Famous Attorney & Talk Show Host, mother of attorney/host Lisa Bloom
  2. Author-The System vs Barack Obama
  3. Author-A Golden Age
  4. Author
  5. Author
  6. Author
  7. Last surviving revolutionary of the Chittagong armoury raid. The raid was an attempt on April 18, 1930 to raid the armoury of police and auxiliary forces from the Chittagong armoury in Bengal, British India. He lives in Chittagong, India and is now 102
  8. Tom Costello  (2)
    American journalist and Senior Correspondent for NBC News
  9. Air Force Medal of Honor Recipient - Vietnam, guadalcanan, flew the f-80, f-84, f-100, f-101, f-104, f-105, f-106, f-4, a-4, a-7, cf-5, f-45
  10. Author
  11. Author
  12. Author - Blown Away, Fury
  13. Author
  14. Author/teacher known for unique teaching method, led to the publication of The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them (1999). The 2007 film is based on her inspirational story
  15. Author
  16. Author/books of anthropology - Paths Toward a Clearing and At Home in the World
  17. Hungarian General and Politician. Born: 04/14/1912
  18. Author
  19. Tom Martin  (2)
  20. Author
  21. Wife of late Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain
  22. Author
  23. Author
  24. Author - Contrary Notions
  25. Author
  26. Author - Non-Fiction
  27. Author; half sister of US President Barack Obama
  28. CNN Anchor / Reporter
  29. Author
  30. Local author
  31. writer