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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag deathDate%3A:2012-02-18
Browsing Entries matching Tag deathDate%3A:2012-02-18
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  1. speed skater
  2. South African Former Female Opera Singer - Soprano (1972-2011)
  3. Author
  4. historian
  5. English comedian best known for his performances on the ITV Television show The Comedians
  6. British Actor born in 1924. 124 Movies & TV-Series 1954-2005. BBC TV Actor
  7. Seattle Seahawks Management
  8. Cinematographer: The Day of the Wolves, 48 Hrs, Footloose, Red Dawn, Adventures in Babysitting, The Great Outdoors, Marked For Death, Out For Justice, On Deadly Ground, Cobra