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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthPlace%3A:Luxembourg
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthPlace%3A:Luxembourg
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  1. Foreign Minister of Luxembourg
  2. Prime minister of Luxemburg; Luxembourg's first openly gay Prime Minister and the third openly gay head of government in the world
  3. Actress
  4. Luxembourg Prime Minister
  5. Soccer Player
  6. Luxembourg Minister
  7. 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 'discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity,' French academician
  8. Professional Cyclist From Luxembourg
  9. Prime Minister of Luxembourg (1995-2013). President of the European Commission (2014-2019)
  10. Professional road cyclist from Luxembourg
  11. Cyclist luxembourg
  12. Professional Cyclist From Luxembourg
  13. Luxembourg Minister
  14. WTA Tennis Player
  15. Swiss actress with Hungarian roots (b. 1958), best known for her work on stage, and in film and television, e.g. in 'Tatort', 'Der Baader Meinhof Komplex', 'Wolkenbruch', 'Buddenbrooks', 'Krupp - Eine deutsche Familie', and 'Das Adlon. Eine Familiensaga'
  16. Tennis Player
  17. ATP tennis player from Luxembourg
  18. Prince of Luxembourg; son of Grand Duke Henri I and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
  19. Prince of Luxembourg; son of Grand Duke Henri I and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
  20. Prince of Luxembourg; son of Grand Duke Henri I and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
  21. Prince of Luxembourg; youngest son of Grand Duke Henri I and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
  22. Politician
  23. Luxembourg Minister
  24. Professional Cyclist
  25. Professional Cyclist Of Luxembourg
  26. Grand daughter of the last emperor of Austria