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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1957-09-10
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1957-09-10
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  1. Comics
  2. Swiss Born American Actress - Movie - Big Trouble In Little China' (1986), 'The Ice Storm' (1997). TV Series - 'Grey's Anatomy' (2005-2019), 'Scabdel' (2012-2018), 'The Practice' (1997-2004), 'Home Fires' (1992), 'Rescue Me' (2005-2006). Plus Many More
  3. Lead singer with the group T'Pau
  4. Premier of Nova Scotia
  5. Author, French academician
  6. baseball pitcher for teins in early 80's