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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1944-00-00
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1944-00-00
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  1. Author-The Noble Revolt
  2. author & former TIME Magazine Sr. Correspondant , Professional Speaker
  3. Director of Photography-Chocolat
  4. Author-The Christmas Kid
  5. Louis 'Louie HaHa' Attanasio Jr. (born 1944 in White Plains, New York) is a New York mobster and reputed captain in the Bonanno crime family. He is the brother of Bonanno mobster Robert Attanasio.
  6. Robin Baker  (2)
  7. Author
  8. businessman
  9. author of 'The house of God'
  10. Author
  11. Actor (b: 1953) - Halloween: H20, The Blob '88, Family Law, Just Jordan. Cartoon/Anime Voice Actor - Cowboy Bebop (v/Jet Black), Cyborg 009 (v/Cyborg 005/G. Junior), Digimon: Digital Monsters, Naruto, Dynasty Warriors 4-5, Gungrave, Bushido Blade 2
  12. Baseball player drafted by the detroit tigers in 2001
  13. Mountain Climber, author
  14. Jackie Brown  (2)
    American Female Children's Book Author - Novel - 'Little Cricket: New Hope in a New Land' (2004), 'Ask Me about Mary Kay: The True Story Behind the Bumper Sticker on the Pink Cadillac' (2010), 'Is Your Mind Fertility-Friendly?.. (2015). Plus One More
  15. Director, Producer, Sound: Dawn of the dead
  16. Author
  17. Author - Fiction
  18. Comic Book Artist
  19. Voice Over Talent
  20. Peter Chapman  (2)
    The Financial Times journalist, Author - Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World
  21. Trinidadian Male Children's Author And Poet - Novel - 'The Selfish Crocodile' (1998), 'The Selfish Crocodile Book of Colours' (2013), 'The Selfish Crocodile and Other Animals' (2006), 'The Selfish Crocodile Book of Sounds' (2012)
  22. Ghanaian - Born Canadian Male Television TV Presenter And Journalist - 'Citytv' Toronto (1978- )
  23. English Female Author - Novel - 'Fortune like the moon' (1999), 'Ashes of the elements' (2000), 'Out of the Dawn Light' (2009), 'The tavern in the morning' (2000), 'A Rustle of Silk' (2016), 'Girl in a Red Tunic' (2005), 'The Enchanter's Forest' (2007)
  24. Director of the Polaris Institute of Canada; Author - Blue Gold
  25. Canadian Female Author
  26. Author
  27. American Female Author - Novel 'Rosie The Riveter' (1995), 'Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony' (2011), 'Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts' (1997), 'Madam C.J. Walker' (1994), 'Mother Jones and the March of the Mill Children' (1994), 'Strike!'(1995)
  28. American Female Playwright And Librettist - Play- 'Dog Opera' (1998), 'The Servant Of Two Masters' (2012). TV Series - 'My America' - 1 Episode (2012)
  29. Author
  30. Author
  31. commentator
  32. Christian Singer
  33. Composer/Songwriter
  34. Director 'Habitat'
  35. Former NFL football player for the Cardinals. Rookie year 1968
  36. Author
  37. Professional Speaker
  38. French novelist, son of Frédéric Dard
  39. Donald Davis  (2)
  40. Actor - 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'; not the author
  41. Author - Last Man on the Moon; JonBenet; Death Cruise; Jeffrey Dahmer Story
  42. Ventriloquist
  43. Underground Cartoonist
  44. Lead singer of the demensions who had a hit song in 1960 with ' Over the Rainbow '
  45. Screenwriter/Dramatist
  46. Author
  47. Author
  48. Author
  49. Children's Author
  50. First woman to play on a professional basketball team 1969 Kentucky Colonels ABA
  51. New Zealand Stage and Movie Actress born 1944.Agnes Fairchild on 'Brass'(1983-90),'Dracula Has Risen From Grave','Eye of the Needle','Torture Garden','Reckoning','When the Wales Came','Haunters of Deep','Guardian of Abyss','Hard Times'
  52. Actress-Vampyres:Daughters of Dracula,The Body Stealers,The Culture Vultures,Sex Ray,Deadly Females,Bird of Prey,Playboy November 1975
  53. Robert Finch  (2)
    Former Rugby League Player
  54. Allen Fisher  (2)
    Author - Dispossession & Cure, Place
  55. Judy Ford  (2)
  56. Football. CFL great from 1966-1972. Played for Toronto Argonauts,Winnipeg Bluebombers & Hamilton Tiger Cats
  57. Yankkes 25th round pick in 1966 free agent draft. ('66-'71) traded to brewers in '72. minor league manager Mets' N.Y Penn team '79, brewers N.Y Penn team '73. Midwest Lg champs '74 (Danville) Brewers minor league manager thru '77. Astros 'AA' manager '80
  58. Author
  59. Author
  60. children's author/111 (seasons of arnold's apple tree)
  61. Author
  62. Author
  63. John Gould  (2)
  64. syndicated cartoonist of the piranha club
  65. Author
  66. Karen Green  (3)
    Featured subject in I Am Second book
  67. Author
  68. James Griffin  (2)
    Author - John Wren: a life reconsidered
  69. 2006 Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate from Wyoming
  70. Author
  71. Former Rugby League Player
  72. Swedish entertainer
  73. UK comedian
  74. Environmental activist and proponent of solar power. He rose to prominence in 1970 as the coordinator for the first Earth Day
  75. writer
  76. Author
  77. Male Singer
  78. Actor 'High Spirits' 'Circle of Friends'
  79. Author
  80. Rugby League Player
  81. Children's Author
  82. TV Fisherman - Jimmy Houston Outdoors & Bass Tour Pro
  83. Scream and Scream Again(1970)
  84. Award Winning Architect
  85. Director
  86. David Kendall  (2)
    Attorney-Defended President Clinton during Impeachment
  87. Author
  88. Poet
  89. Author
  90. Children's Author
  91. Voice Over Talent
  92. Children's Author
  93. Journalist
  94. Producer for plays and musicals both on Broadway and off-Broadway. She is known for her role in producing the stage and screen hit Hairspray. Combined, the works Lion produced have won 20 Tony Awards and a Pulitzer Prize
  95. Co-Founded the art group Ant Farm which created the famous Cadillac Ranch in 1974
  96. Author
  97. Author
  98. concert pianist
  99. Author
  100. Author
  101. Author - Bullets Over Hollywood
  102. 'Spanish Civil War Veteran' 'International Brigade' 'British'
  103. Scriptwriter for television and film, often worked with Graham Chapman. Also as an actor appeared in Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
  104. Author - World's Greatest Resumes
  105. Actress
  106. Donald Miller  (2)
    Author - Non-Fiction
  107. Pulitzer Prize-winning Author
  108. Tim Miller  (4)
    Publisher, Author and Internet Bookseller pioneer. Published presidents, moonwalkers and actors including President Ford's final book, 'JFK' where Ford for the first time admitted Warren Commission flawed
  109. Author
  110. Ellen Moore  (2)
    Author - Good Books Lately
  111. Author
  112. Author
  113. Author
  114. Cardinal
  115. Author
  116. Actor who played the lead Idi Amin in the film 'Rise and Fall of Idi Amin' (1981)
  117. Screenwriter, actor and director of films such as 'Children Shouldn't play with Dead Things', 'Deranged','Dead of Night' (Deathdream'), frequenctly worked with director Bob Clark
  118. Miss USA 1963
  119. Author of many Buckeye and Ohio State books
  120. Tom Parker  (2)
    Musical Arranger 1972-1973 Instrumental group 'Apollo 100'
  121. volleyball player
  122. Author
  123. Austrian journalist & author
  124. Author
  125. Author
  126. British feminist philosopher and bioethicist
  127. German Cartoonist
  128. Author
  129. David Roberts  (5)
    Illustrator - A House Called Awful End, Cinderella: An Art Deco Love Story and Rapunzel: A Groovy Fairy Tale
  130. Author
  131. Actor - The Adventures Of Superboy (Title role. The first actor to play the role of Superboy. Only the pilot episode of this proposed 1961 series was filmed.)
  132. Author
  133. Chris Rogers  (3)
    Author - Bitch Factor and Rage Factor
  134. Author
  135. Author
  136. Carry On Cowboy, Prehistoric Women
  137. Author
  138. Author
  139. Christian Political Cartoonist
  140. John Scott  (4)
    Film Editor
  141. TV's American Idol
  142. Author
  143. boxing announcer
  144. singer formed the great socitey/grace slick)
  145. James Smillie  (2)
    Actor known for the 80s Australian series Return to Eden
  146. Author
  147. Author
  148. Playwright. Model
  149. Is an American stage, screen, and television actress
  150. Author
  151. Author
  152. Author
  153. Author
  154. CEO of Target
  155. Jockey
  156. Anna Walker  (2)
  157. Actress 1940's-50's
  158. John Wilson  (10)
    Lord Moran, British Politician
  159. Author
  160. Historian, authorUniversity of ArkansasHistory DepartmentFayettville, Arkansas 72701
  161. editorial cartoonist
  162. Author - October
  163. Asian Actor Who Frequently Plays Villains (Hawaii Five O,Transporter, Corruptor, Indiana Jones & Temple Of Doom, Kiss Of The Dragon, Etc)
  164. Former Notre Dame Quarterback